Workshop with Peter Phillips


About this project

It was our great honour, and my dream come true, to have Peter Phillips conduct a workshop with our singers. Peter is, of course, the director of the Tallis Scholars, ‘the rock stars of Renaissance vocal music’ (New York Times). They were in Hong Kong to sing in a sold-out concert the following night at City Hall.

Without the Tallis Scholars, I am not sure I would have been aware of this repertoire, let alone have founded a choir to sing it! My first introduction to the Scholars was back in 1994 with the release of their ‘Live in Rome’ CD. What an ear-opener that was! Since then they have introduced me to so much beautiful music: Byrd, Victoria, Taverner, and of course Tallis. It was in 2010 when I watched them sing Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli at Cadogan Hall, London, that I finally realised THIS is what I love and what I want to do.  And so here we are…